Excited to share that our work ranked #1 on Ad Age Top 5 (beating out 2 Apple spots 😮).
Read the full article here. It is also featured in this year’s CA Advertising Annual.

Finally, an explanation for why all the pioneers had long beards.

Wyoming was already one of the least vaccinated states in the country. Then beliefs around Covid-19 hurt vaccination rates even more. But the reality is that vaccines are the greatest achievement in the history of public health. They’ve prevented a horrendous list of diseases, saved millions of lives and doubled our lifespan. In fact, vaccines are so effective that we now take them for granted.

Just a small part of our larger THANK A VACCINE campaign, this :60 film was showcased in movie theaters and on TV. The campaign also featured newsprint, digital, social, OOH, print and radio addressing countless diseases and the vaccines that conquered them.

Believe it or not, we even had a Wyoming local send this letter to the Dept. of Health in praise of the spot.

Yeah, we had some fun with the subtitles, adding in things like [kerplunk] when the dirt hit the coffin and [pastor rambles on] when his voice was in the background but was not an important part of the script.

Oh, and it helped launch my budding hand modeling career.